IProvidesConcreteType (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IProvidesConcreteType EXTENDS IGeneric -> IGeneric Properties: ImplementingTypeId Instance Methods: GetInterface , inherited from IGeneric Structure: ImplementingTypeId (Property) Instance (Property)
IProvidesConcreteType.ImplementingTypeId (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY ImplementingTypeId : UDINT
IProvidesConcreteType.Instance (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Instance : POINTER TO BYTE This property returns a pointer to the function block instance implementing this interface
ITempShutdownResult (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITempShutdownResult EXTENDS IGeneric -> IGeneric Properties: DataSourceName Result Methods: GetInterface , inherited from IGeneric Structure: DataSourceName (Property) Result (Property)
ITempShutdownResult.DataSourceName (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY DataSourceName : STRING
ITempShutdownResult.Result (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Result : UDINT
StringElement (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK StringElement EXTENDS FBF.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IStringElement Element wrapper for STRING values. InOut: Scope Name Type Input Const sValue STRING Properties: StringValue Methods: ElementCompareTo ElementEquals ElementHashCode prvInstInit Structure: ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) StringValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method)
StringElementFactory (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK StringElementFactory EXTENDS FBF.FactoryBase IElement factory for STRING values Properties: prvInstCount prvInstPoolExtendsFactor prvInstSize Methods: Create Structure: Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property)
TimeElement (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK TimeElement EXTENDS FBF.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS ITimeElement Element wrapper for TIME values. InOut: Scope Name Type Input Const tValue TIME Properties: TimeValue Methods: ElementCompareTo ElementEquals ElementHashCode prvInstInit Structure: ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) TimeValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method)
TimeElementFactory (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK TimeElementFactory EXTENDS FBF.FactoryBase IElement factory for TIME values Properties: prvInstCount prvInstPoolExtendsFactor prvInstSize Methods: Create Structure: Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property)