CreateAssertionError [...] CreateAssertionError [...] to create an error
CreateAssertionError [...] CreateAssertionError [...] to create an error
CreateAssertionError [...] CreateAssertionError [...] to create an error
CreateAssertionError [...] CreateAssertionError [...] to create an error
CreateAssertionError [...] CreateAssertionError [...] to create an error
IBaseIecUnitTest.HasError (METH) ¶ METHOD HasError [...] should only return xError = TRUE
Testcase.HasError (METH) ¶ METHOD HasError [...] Return HasError BOOL
BaseMultiTest.SetError [...] PUBLIC SetErrorVars In [...] eError UT_ERROR
BaseMultiTest.prvError (METH) ¶ METHOD PROTECTED prvError
BaseMultiTest.HasError (METH) ¶ METHOD HasError [...] Return HasError BOOL