61850_CP56_FROM_SNTP (Program) DST (Action [...] 61850_DST (Program) IEC61850_DT_TO_NTP (Program) IEC
up a program [...] with the contents of the program [...] _ERROR Inout Const program
GetPlcLoad (Function) SysResetPlcProgram [...] ShutdownPlc (Function) SysStartPlcProgram (Function) SysStopPlcProgram
NO 0 No programming MODIFY Programming [...] _CURVE Programming new curve
AlarmStorage_Prg (PRG) ¶ PROGRAM [...] Storage_Prg This program handles storing
GetPlcLoad (Function) SysResetPlcProgram [...] ShutdownPlc (Function) SysStartPlcProgram (Function) SysStopPlcProgram
VISU_PRG (PRG) ¶ PROGRAM VISU_PRG only a [...] to this programs
the names of the NC-programs [...] of the (sub)program [...] . If it is a sub-program
after programming PRG_UNDO Undo [...] during programming PRG [...] during programming ZOOM_HOME Reset
AlarmEvaluation_Prg (PRG) ¶ PROGRAM [...] Evaluation_Prg This program handles