WriteEEprom (FB) ¶ FUNCTION [...] or in the event of an error [...] (xDone, xError
PNSlave (FB) ¶ [...] PNIOStatus = 1 xError BOOL [...] IoBoxState.pniostate 0 = No error 1 =
VisuFb [...] was successful or not pxOptError [...] the error code tcOptError
VisuFb [...] was successful or not pxOptError [...] the error code tcOptError
TCP_Read (FB) ¶ [...] is running LConC xError BOOL TRUE : Error
DrvPLCNextAxio (FB) ¶ FUNCTION [...] Output xError BOOL True if an error
FileOpenAsync (FB) ¶ FUNCTION [...] Done BOOL bBusy BOOL bError BOOL wErrorId WORD h
FileRenameAsync (FB) ¶ FUNCTION [...] Done BOOL bBusy BOOL bError BOOL wErrorId WORD
ClientGetAlarmSummary (FB) ¶ FUNCTION [...] conform (ETrigA) FB [...] ETrigATo xError BOOL
Resolve (FB) ¶ [...] Busy BOOL ETrig xError [...] ResolverPath RESOLVER_PATH Output eError