VisuFbPointF.AsPointStructI (METH) ¶ METHOD AsPointStructI : VisuStructPoint InOut: Scope Name Type Return AsPointStructI VisuStructPoint
VisuFbFileTransferManager.FB_Exit (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_Exit : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return FB_Exit BOOL Input bInCopyCode BOOL
VisuFbFileTransferManager.FB_Init (METH) ¶ METHOD FB_Init InOut: Scope Name Type Input bInitRetains BOOL bInCopyCode BOOL pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
VisuFbFileTransferManager.GetParamForFileTransf (METH) ¶ METHOD GetParamForFileTransf : VisuEnumFileTransferError InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetParamForFileTransf VisuEnumFileTransferError Input plcObjPathRel POINTER TO STRING udiBufferSize UDINT optVisuObjPath STRING(255) doNotUsePropertyInfo BOOL Output sFileName STRING(255) filters ARRAY [0..1] OF STRING nFilters INT sPlcObjName STRING(255) sPlcObjPathAbs STRING(255) sOptVisuObjPath STRING(255)
VisuFbFileTransferManager.GetParamForStreamTransf (METH) ¶ METHOD GetParamForStreamTransf : VisuEnumFileTransferError InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetParamForStreamTransf VisuEnumFileTransferError Input itfVisuStreamHandler IVisuStreamHandler Output sFileName STRING filters ARRAY [0..1] OF STRING nFilters INT
VisuFbPointF.Checksum (METH) ¶ METHOD Checksum : VisuTypeCheckSum Calculates the checksum using width and height InOut: Scope Name Type Return Checksum VisuTypeCheckSum
VisuFbFileTransferManager.GetStringBuffer (METH) ¶ METHOD GetStringBuffer : POINTER TO BYTE InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetStringBuffer POINTER TO BYTE Input pBuffer POINTER TO BYTE udiBufferSize UDINT doNotUsePropertyInfo BOOL
VisuFbFileTransferManager.NormalizeFilePath (METH) ¶ METHOD NormalizeFilePath InOut: Scope Name Type Inout filePath STRING(255)
VisuFbFileTransferManager.RequestStreamingPlcToVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD RequestStreamingPlcToVisu InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfVisuStreamReader IVisuStreamReader This must be an instance of IVisuStreamReader, that provides the data sent from the plc to the visualization pxOptTransferActive POINTER TO BOOL Point to an optionally configured BOOL variable, that will indicate, whether currently the streaming is active pxOptTransferSuccessful POINTER TO BOOL Point to an optionally configured BOOL variable, that will indicate, whether the last streaming was successful or not pxOptErrorCode POINTER TO Visu_AllNumericTypesUnion Point to an optionally configured numeric variable, that will receive the error code tcOptErrorCodeType __SYSTEM.TYPE_CLASS Contains the type of the variable pxOptErrorCode points to xDoNotUsePropertyInfo BOOL This flag is TRUE, when called from the generated code of the visualization, where the compiler define VISU_USEPROPERTYINFO might be defined. dwControlFlags DWORD
VisuFbPointF.AsSize (METH) ¶ METHOD AsSize : VisuFbSizeF InOut: Scope Name Type Return AsSize VisuFbSizeF