IVisualElement ¶ ElementInfo (Method) EmptyImplementation ContainsPoint (Method) Destruct (Method) GetClientData (Method) GetText (Method) GetTextProperties (Method) GetTooltip (Method) GetUpdateRects (Method) Initialize (Method) SetClientData (Method) SetStaticState (Method) Update (Method) GetSurroundingRect (Method) HandleInput (Method) Paint (Method)
VisuFbTabControlOverlayTabs.ElementInfo (METH) ¶ METHOD ElementInfo : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return ElementInfo INT Input pData POINTER TO VisuElemBase.Visu_StructElementInfo
EmptyImplementation ¶ ContainsPoint (Method) Destruct (Method) GetClientData (Method) GetText (Method) GetTextProperties (Method) GetTooltip (Method) GetUpdateRects (Method) Initialize (Method) SetClientData (Method) SetStaticState (Method) Update (Method)
VisuFbTabControlOverlayTabs.ContainsPoint (METH) ¶ METHOD ContainsPoint : BOOL returns whether the point pt is contained by this element InOut: Scope Name Type Return ContainsPoint BOOL Input pt VisuElemBase.VisuStructPoint
VisuFbXYChartDataProvider.GetPntAxisProper (METH) ¶ METHOD GetPntAxisProper : POINTER TO VisuStructXYChartAxis Get pointer to properties of specific axis Instantiated into code generation part where there are all the properties InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetPntAxisProper POINTER TO VisuStructXYChartAxis Input iWhich INT
VisuFbXYChartDataProvider.GetPntCurveProper (METH) ¶ METHOD GetPntCurveProper : POINTER TO VisuStructXYChartCurve Get pointer to properties of specific curve Instantiated into code generation part where there are all the properties InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetPntCurveProper POINTER TO VisuStructXYChartCurve Input iWhich INT
VisuFbXYChartDataProvider.GetPntDataProper (METH) ¶ METHOD GetPntDataProper : POINTER TO VisuStructXYChart Get pointer to local data of the element, instantiated into code generation part InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetPntDataProper POINTER TO VisuStructXYChart
VisuFbXYChartDataProvider.SetMultiClientData (METH) ¶ METHOD SetMultiClientData InOut: Scope Name Type Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData pClientSpecificData POINTER TO StruXYChartClientSpecificData xMultiClient BOOL
VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve.IsDataXPointerChanged (METH) ¶ METHOD IsDataXPointerChanged : BOOL Returns, if the pointer, which holds the variable for the curve-data-x is changed InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return IsDataXPointerChanged BOOL Input bUpdatePointer BOOL Update the used pointer
VisuFbXYChartDataProviderCurve.IsDataYPointerChanged (METH) ¶ METHOD IsDataYPointerChanged : BOOL Returns, if the pointer, which holds the variable for the curve-data-y is changed InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return IsDataYPointerChanged BOOL Input bUpdatePointer BOOL Update the used pointer