Kin_CAxis.GetPeriods (METH) ¶ METHOD GetPeriods InOut: Scope Name
Name Type Initial [...] , default: V1 sUserName [...] : Name
on the PLC with the names [...] LastInfo GetRecipeCount GetRecipeNames [...] RecipeValuesSizeOf GetRecipeVariableNames
and their name spaces. Alarm [...] ¶ Name: Alarm [...] ¶ Name: Alarm
</p></result> InOut: Scope Name [...] _IEC_RESULT <param name
InOut: Scope Name [...] Points to the name
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Points to the name
_only InOut: Name Type [...] -base connections ausiName
Out: Scope Name Type [...] The name of the style
Out: Scope Name Type [...] The name of the style