Types ¶ IEC_TYPE (Alias) UNICODE (Alias)
IReader (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IReader EXTENDS IStatus It is not intended to implement a type other than Reader for this interface. Methods: Disable , inherited from IStatus Enable , inherited from IStatus GetState , inherited from IStatus
IReaderGroup (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IReaderGroup EXTENDS IStatus It is not intended to implement a type other than ReaderGroup for this interface. Methods: Disable , inherited from IStatus Enable , inherited from IStatus GetState , inherited from IStatus
IStatus (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IStatus EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface This interface provides the central methods for controlling the function blocks Configuration , Connection , ReaderGroup , Reader , WriterGroup and Writer . Take a look to the state transition Diagram: This is the common part of Configuration , Connection , ReaderGroup , Reader , WriterGroup and Writer . It is not intended to implement a type other than these for this interface. Methods: Disable Enable GetState Structure: Disable (Method) Enable (Method) GetState (Method)
IStatus.Disable (METH) ¶ METHOD Disable : ERROR Deactivates the corresponding function block and changes its state to STATE.DISABLED InOut: Scope Name Type Return Disable ERROR
IStatus.Enable (METH) ¶ METHOD Enable : ERROR Activates the corresponding function block and changes its state to STATE.DISABLED to one of the states STATE.OPERATIONAL or STATE.PAUSED InOut: Scope Name Type Return Enable ERROR
IStatus.GetState (METH) ¶ METHOD GetState : State Provides the current state of the related function block InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetState State Output eErrorID ERROR
IWriter (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IWriter EXTENDS IStatus It is not intended to implement a type other than Writer for this interface. Methods: Disable , inherited from IStatus Enable , inherited from IStatus GetState , inherited from IStatus
IWriterGroup (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IWriterGroup EXTENDS IStatus It is not intended to implement a type other than WriterGroup for this interface. Methods: Disable , inherited from IStatus Enable , inherited from IStatus GetState , inherited from IStatus