ITrendStorageAccessReadOperator.VariableTypeRead (METH) ¶ METHOD VariableTypeRead Notification, that the variable type was read from table TblTrendConfiguration. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input iWhichVariable INT The 0 based index of the variable within all variables iVariableType INT The type of the variable
VUM_UserGroup (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE VUM_UserGroup : STRUCT InOut: Name Type Comment wstGroupName WSTRING(79) The group name which must be unique dwID DWORD The id of the user group xAutoLogout BOOL tAutoLogout TIME dwFlags DWORD Used to set some special AccessRights f.e. USERGROUPFLAG_RIGHT_TO_CHANGE_USER
VUM_UserInternal (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE VUM_UserInternal : STRUCT This structure is an extension of VUM_User available in VisuUserMgmt3_Itfs. Problem is that a structure available in an interface cannot be extended and this can be a problem when that structure is not actually used in an interface, but in internal uses, and we need to add new elements. This is why we add this structure, that has the VUM_User elements and new additional data that is not needed in VUM_User and thus without breaking compatibility. If we need to expose the additional data we have to create a new structure, e.g.: VUM_UserX, used only in the interfaces and not as internal uses. VUM_UserInternal contains all the single elements of VUM_User and not it as a single element (vumUser : VUM_User;) because the single elements are used in the visualization “VUM_UserManagement”; change it, means broken compatibility To maintain the compatibility with the old interfaces, you can find some copies from VUM_User to VUM_UserInternal, and viceversa. InOut: Name Type Comment wstUserName WSTRING(79) The user name which must be unique wstFullName WSTRING(79) A free full name of the user wstPassword WSTRING(79) The password which should be used to generate the md5hash md5Hash ARRAY [0..15] OF BYTE The md5hash of the password dwUserGroupID DWORD The user group id abyUserGroupIDs ARRAY [0..VUM_Constants.VISU_VUM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_USER] OF BYTE Additional user group ids if the user belongs to several groups byUserGroupCount BYTE Number of additional user groups bDeactivated BOOL Is the user deactivated bChgPassFirstLogin BOOL It must change the password at the first login
VisuFbClientManagerListener (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuFbClientManagerListener IMPLEMENTS VisuElems.IClientManagerListener Methods: ClientCreated ClientDestroyed Structure: ClientCreated (Method) ClientDestroyed (Method)
VisuFbClientManagerListener.ClientCreated (METH) ¶ METHOD ClientCreated Notification, that a client has been created. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData A pointer to a VisuStructClientData structure identifying the client, that has been created
VisuFbClientManagerListener.ClientDestroyed (METH) ¶ METHOD ClientDestroyed Notification, that a client has been destroyed InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData A pointer to a VisuStructClientData structure identifying the client, that has been destroyed
VisuUserMgmt (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK VisuUserMgmt IMPLEMENTS IVisuUserMgmt4 , IVisuUserManagement4, IExternalUserDatabaseProvider2, VisuElems.IRuntimeBasedUserMgt Properties: LastResult State CheckUserWithTempLockout CurrentUserLockoutTime Methods: ChangeLanguage ChangeUser ChangeUserPassword CheckLoginIntern CheckLoginWithGroupIDIntern FB_Init FillLanguageGroupNames FindUserByType GetCurrentUser GetGroupCount GetGroupFromID GetGroupIDFromIndex GetGroupIndexFromID GetGroupNameFromID GetLastError GetTextIdFromGroupID GetUserCount GetUserDBAsCopy GetUsers Initialize SetLastError SetNewUserDB ChangePassword ChangeUser3 ChangeUser4 ChangeUserPassword3 CheckAdminRights CheckGroups CheckLogin CheckLoginWithGroupID CheckTemporaryLockedUser EditUser GetUserCount3 GetUsers3 GetUsers4 Login LoginRts LoginToUserGroup LoginToUserGroups Logout LogoutRts LogoutUser NewSession RegisterExternalUserDatabaseProvider SetProvider UserCount Users prvCheckUser prvFreeResources prvGetFileName prvGetHashAsWString prvGetHashFromWString prvModifyUser prvReadLine prvReadToken prvReadUser prvReadUserGroup prvReadUsers prvReadUsers2 prvWriteFileChecksum prvWriteUser prvWriteValue Structure: ChangeLanguage (Method) ChangeUser (Method) ChangeUserPassword (Method) CheckLoginIntern (Method) CheckLoginWithGroupIDIntern (Method) FB_Init (Method) FillLanguageGroupNames (Method) FindUserByType (Method) GetCurrentUser (Method) GetGroupCount (Method) GetGroupFromID (Method) GetGroupIDFromIndex (Method) GetGroupIndexFromID (Method) GetGroupNameFromID (Method) GetLastError (Method) GetTextIdFromGroupID (Method) GetUserCount (Method) GetUserDBAsCopy (Method) GetUsers (Method) IRuntimeBasedUserMgt LogoutUser (Method) NewSession (Method) IVisuUserManagement CheckLogin (Method) CheckLoginWithGroupID (Method) RegisterExternalUserDatabaseProvider (Method) IVisuUserManagement2 LoginToUserGroup (Method) LoginToUserGroups (Method) IVisuUserManagement3 ChangePassword (Method) Login (Method) Logout (Method) UserCount (Method) Users (Method) IVisuUserManagement4 EditUser (Method) IVisuUserMgmt-methods SetProvider (Method) IVisuUserMgmt2 CheckTemporaryLockedUser (Method) CheckUserWithTempLockout (Property) CurrentUserLockoutTime (Property) IVisuUserMgmt3 ChangeUser3 (Method) ChangeUserPassword3 (Method) CheckAdminRights (Method) CheckGroups (Method) GetUserCount3 (Method) GetUsers3 (Method) LoginRts (Method) IVisuUserMgmt4 ChangeUser4 (Method) GetUsers4 (Method) LogoutRts (Method) Initialize (Method) LastResult (Property) SetLastError (Method) SetNewUserDB (Method) State (Property) private prvCheckUser (Method) prvFreeResources (Method) prvGetFileName (Method) prvGetHashAsWString (Method) prvGetHashFromWString (Method) prvModifyUser (Method) prvReadLine (Method) prvReadToken (Method) prvReadUser (Method) prvReadUserGroup (Method) prvReadUsers (Method) prvReadUsers2 (Method) prvWriteFileChecksum (Method) prvWriteUser (Method) prvWriteValue (Method)
VisuUserMgmt.ChangeLanguage (METH) ¶ METHOD ChangeLanguage : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return ChangeLanguage BOOL
FilterErrorCode (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION FilterErrorCode : UDINT It filters some error codes This is necessary to avoid giving out some useful information to hackers. e.g. ‘incorrect password’ which also means ‘user is ok’. InOut: Scope Name Type Return FilterErrorCode UDINT Input error UDINT
SwapByteArrayByWords (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SwapByteArrayByWords : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return SwapByteArrayByWords BOOL Input pData POINTER TO ARRAY [0..20] OF BYTE dwSize DWORD