VisuFbPrintDateTime [...] typeofPlaceholder VisuDateTime [...] Param INT Param to use
VisuFbWriteDateTime [...] typeofPlaceholder VisuDateTime [...] Param INT Param to use
_Lword Iec_Sint Iec_Int [...] _Wstring Iec_Time Iec_Date Iec_DateAndTime Iec_Time
VarTelegramm_UDP TimeOut TON STRUCT(PT := TIME#500ms) bNewMessage BOOL nIndex INT -1 n
Val INT stSeld BOOL q [...] IEC61850_AT_Quality M t tyIEC61850_AT_Time [...] sbo_REF INT Oper ty
IEC61850_AT_Origin ctlNum tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] IEC61850_AT_Quality M t tyIEC61850_AT_Time [...] sbo_REF INT Oper ty
only) ID INT [...] state ActivationTime TIME The time stamp
VisuFbAnalyzeDateTime [...] typeofPlaceholder VisuDateTime [...] Param INT Param to use
Ua_UInt32 PublishTime OpcUa_DateTime [...] OfNotificationData OpcUa_Int
Time [...] ElementCompareTo : INT [...] CompareTo INT Input itf