be implemented to handle OPC [...] to verify the OPC UA servers certificate
ItemToMonitor Opc [...] Mode Opc [...] Interval OpcUa_Double IN
_IEC_HANDLE Connect an OPC UA client to a server [...] services to the OPC UA
request to the OPC UA server. Several [...] . timestampsToReturn Opc
to the OPC UA server [...] OfNodesToRegister OpcUa_Int32 Number [...] to be registered by the server
to the OPC UA server [...] OfNodesToUnregister OpcUa_Int32 Number [...] to be unregistered by the server
Ua_SecurityTokenRequestType (Enum) OpcUa_Server [...] Types ¶ OpcUa_ApplicationType (Enum) Opc
Callback : Opc [...] to OpcUaClient_Read In [...] Callback Opc
Listener (FunctionBlock) ListVisuClientDwnSL [...] Block) StructFrameDwnSL (Struct) StructVisuClientDwnSL
Namespace DatasourceOpcUaServer [...] -access-only Placeholder DatasourceOpcUaServer [...] Opc