brightness (0 to 100) -sa [...] (0-255) -n [...] sharpness (-100 to 100
Initial OFF 0 START_DELAY 1 STAGE1 100
Array1 ARRAY [0 [...] [0 [...] [0
brightness (0 to 100) -sa [...] (0-255) -n [...] sharpness (-100 to 100
brightness (0 to 100) -sa [...] (0-255) -n [...] sharpness (-100 to 100
Out: Name Initial INIT 0 [...] ERROR 99 RUN 100 IDLE
10.0 Outdoor air [...] 22.0 Indoor air [...] FanStageManual USINT (0..3) 0 Fan
) N090 G01 X40 Y0 N100 [...] -code word D is 0 [...] of the two elements is a G0
preload signal (0..100 [...] StartupThreshold REAL 8.0 Startup [...] PreloadThreshold REAL 20.0 Preload
value between 0 and 100 telling