NamespaceArray.SetInitialValue [...] SetInitialValue : [...] Name Type Return SetInitialValue
index value for curve array INDEXMAX_VARIABLE Variable of maximum
Max LREAL Maximum value f [...] of values. InOut: Name [...] of values in the series f
the maximum value size will [...] to get the values [...] FileName to file path and paDataArray
the maximum value size will [...] to find the value [...] FileName to file path and paDataArray
parameters of data array [...] Input firstDataX VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray firstDataY VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray
the maximum value size will [...] FileName to file path and paDataArray [...] from data array set s
the maximum value size will [...] , the corresponding output values ( [...] FileName STRING(gc_udiMaxValue
the maximum value size will [...] FileName to file path and paDataArray [...] from data array set s
values in the array [...] ARRAY [0..255] OF ARRAY [0..1] OF LREAL