IF recvData.NEW [...] check for new data [...] BOOL New data record
CompareAndSwap BOOL Input pExpectedData __XWORD pNewData
data with new data [...] _ReturnValues It edit the user data [...] POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData
.HANDLE This function allocates a new message from the data [...] the identifier, cobld, data
, then this is opened and new data [...] new file is created
this instance for a new [...] Input idRowTblTrendData [...] ” timestamp idRowTblTrendData
SetNewCertData [...] ) SetNewCertData
breakpoint and stepping [...] new project [...] Base (FunctionBlock) InstanceData
CmdHandleClientAnsSub2 (Struct) StructCmdNewClient (Struct) StructCmdNewFrame (Struct) StructCmdNew
Added Notification, that a new [...] StorageRow describing the data