_FctGetElementFromInputInfo IVisualElement Input pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClient [...] to the client structure
Visu_Toplevel_Template GetCurrentDisplayedModuleInstance (Function) IModuleVisuClientListener (Interface) Client
the currently selection In [...] Selection DWORD Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClient
_DS_MULTITASKING_LOCKED when it is currently not possible [...] the client should call
Properties: IsRunning KeepAliveClients [...] SecureTapping (Action) CheckUnusedClients (Action) Client
_DS_MULTITASKING_LOCKED when it is currently not possible [...] the client should call
_DS_MULTITASKING_LOCKED when it is currently not possible [...] the client should call
, that are currently active [...] criteria of the IAlarmManagerClient [...] , client was found * ERR
to the currently active toplevel [...] fit is activated. pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClient
, that are currently stored and fit [...] the IAlarmManagerClient [...] CountAlarmsFromStorage DINT Input itfAlarmManagerClient