AnalogOutputs (FunctionBlock) GroupBinaryCounters [...] DoubleBitInputs (FunctionBlock) GroupFrozenCounters [...] Output (FunctionBlock) BinaryCounter
(FunctionBlock) SetInitialValue [...] (FunctionBlock) SetInitialValue [...] Set (FunctionBlock) PrepareValues
.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IMap3 , IModCounter [...] Elements POINTER TO KeyValuePair Array of key value
counter value [...] and decrements a given value [...] to the start value PV PV
the maximum absolute value [...] counter [...] value. InOut: Scope
.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IStack3 , IModCounter [...] Element ContainsValue Count [...] Element (Method) ContainsValue
, the corresponding output values ( [...] to their initial values. ETrig [...] for operation in ms Output uiWorkingCounter
.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IQueue3 , IModCounter [...] Element ContainsValue Count [...] Element (Method) ContainsValue
the maximum value [...] counter [...] value. InOut: Scope
counter value [...] a given value [...] to the start value PV PV