Dbg_WriteFun (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Dbg_WriteFun : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Dbg_WriteFun BOOL Input stream IOutStream f Dbg_IFun a LREAL b LREAL numSamples UDINT
Dbg_WriteFunIter (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Dbg_WriteFunIter : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Dbg_WriteFunIter BOOL Input stream IOutStream funIter Dbg_IFunIter
EdgeAbortLogic (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK EdgeAbortLogic EXTENDS EdgeLogic This function block implements an action that is triggered by the rising edge of the xExecute input and may be aborted by setting the xAbort input. It describes a common protocol for the behavior of the input xExecute and the outputs xBusy, xDone, and xError. It can be used by extending a new POU from it and implementing the protected methods Start, CyclicAction, Restart, ResetOutputs, and abort. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inherited from Input xExecute BOOL Rising edge: Action start Falling edge: Resets outputs If a falling edge occurs before the function block has completed its action, the outputs operate in the usual manner and are only reset if either the action is completed or in the event of an error. In this case, the corresponding output values (xDone, xError, eError) are present at the outputs for exactly one cycle. EdgeLogic Output xDone BOOL Action successfully completed EdgeLogic xBusy BOOL Function block active EdgeLogic xError BOOL TRUE: error occurred, function block aborts action FALSE: no error EdgeLogic Input xAbort BOOL If this input is TRUE, the action is stopped immediately and all outputs are reset to their initial values. Methods: Abort , inherited from EdgeLogic CyclicAction , inherited from EdgeLogic ResetOutputs , inherited from EdgeLogic Restart , inherited from EdgeLogic Start , inherited from EdgeLogic
CP_HaltStop (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK PUBLIC FINAL CP_HaltStop IMPLEMENTS ICP_HaltStop This function block is used for performing an immediate halt/stop from the bus task. This is done by rescaling the trajectory planned by the planner in conjunction with the FineInterpolator. The method |ScaleTime| rescales the time parameter used by the FineInterpolator to evaluate the trajectory and to ultimately determine the dynamic state of the axes at the end of the bus task cycle. This state is then rescaled by the method |ScaleIpoResult| . InOut: Scope Name Type Output dynTauLimits Path_DynLimitsAsym Properties: Active Done Idle Methods: Reset SetDone Start Structure: Active (Property) Done (Property) Idle (Property) Reset (Method) SetDone (Method) Start (Method)
EdgeLogic (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK EdgeLogic This function block implements an action that is triggered by the rising edge of the xExecute input. It describes a common protocol for the behavior of the input xExecute and the outputs xBusy, xDone, and xError. It can be used by extending a new POU from it and implementing the protected methods Start, CyclicAction, Restart, ResetOutputs, and abort. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input xExecute BOOL Rising edge: Action start Falling edge: Resets outputs If a falling edge occurs before the function block has completed its action, the outputs operate in the usual manner and are only reset if either the action is completed or in the event of an error. In this case, the corresponding output values (xDone, xError, eError) are present at the outputs for exactly one cycle. Output xDone BOOL Action successfully completed xBusy BOOL Function block active xError BOOL TRUE: error occurred, function block aborts action FALSE: no error Methods: Abort CyclicAction ResetOutputs Restart Start Structure: Abort (Method) CyclicAction (Method) ResetOutputs (Method) Restart (Method) Start (Method)
Counter_SingleTask.Set (METH) ¶ METHOD Set InOut: Scope Name Type Input value DINT
ICounter (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ICounter Interface for a counter that can be incremented and decremented. Can be used for reference counting. Methods: Decrement GetCount Increment Set Structure: Decrement (Method) GetCount (Method) Increment (Method) Set (Method)
ICounter.Decrement (METH) ¶ METHOD Decrement : DINT Returns the value after decrementing. InOut: Scope Name Type Return Decrement DINT
GeoPrim_ProjectPoint_PreImg (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GeoPrim_ProjectPoint_PreImg : BOOL Returns the first element of the preimage of GeoPrim_ProjectPoint, in the sense that if v is a point on a path, v_s the tangent, and ef some element function, generically not part of the path, GeoPrim_ProjectPoint will project the result of evaluating ef at x to v . Returns FALSE if there is no such x . InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Inout Const ef ElemFun The element function where the preimage of v under GeoPrim_ProjectPoint should lie. v SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D A point on some path. v_s SM3M.SMC_VECTOR3D The tangent to the path at v . Return GeoPrim_ProjectPoint_PreImg BOOL Output x LREAL The first point on ef that will be projected to v .
ICounter.GetCount (METH) ¶ METHOD GetCount : DINT Returns the current value of the counter InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetCount DINT