OriPrimAxis_Create (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OriPrimAxis_Create : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext ef ElemFun traces ElemFunTraces Inout Const poseStart ElemFunPose poseDest ElemFunPose cdStart TRAFO.CONFIGDATA cdDest TRAFO.CONFIGDATA aRefStart TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF aRefDest TRAFO.AXISPOS_REF Input kinCoupled TRAFO.ISMCoupledKinematics kinPos TRAFO.ISMPositionKinematics_Offset kinOri TRAFO.ISMOrientationKinematics Return OriPrimAxis_Create BOOL
Properties ¶ IPAddress (Property) Socket (Property) State (Property)
Stream.Receive (METH) ¶ METHOD Receive : ERROR Receive data from the stream InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input pbyBuffer POINTER TO BYTE Memory location where the received data shall be copied to diBufferSize __XINT Size of available memory Return Receive ERROR Output diReceived __XINT Size of received data
OriPrimAxis_EvalAxesOrigStartEnd (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OriPrimAxis_EvalAxesOrigStartEnd : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Inout errCtx SMRE.ErrorContext Inout Const ef ElemFun Inout vS_Ori SM3M.SMC_Vec vD_Ori SM3M.SMC_Vec configOffsetStart TRAFO.CONFIGDATA Input t LREAL Return OriPrimAxis_EvalAxesOrigStartEnd BOOL
CODESYS TargetVisuBasic ¶ Animation AddPoints (Function) CalculateCenter (Function) Deg2Rad (Function) MoveAbsolute (FunctionBlock) Execute (Method) MoveAbsoluteData (Struct) MoveRelative (FunctionBlock) Execute (Method) PointArrayCalcSurroundingSimpleRect (Function) RotatePoint (Function) ScalePoint (Function) ITargetVisuLight (Interface) Initialize (Method) Paint (Method) Printf FormatDateTime (Function) Printf (Function) PrintfW (Function) Utilities BitmapEntry (Struct) BitmapProcessing (FunctionBlock) FindBitmapIndexByID (Method) Draw DrawBitmapByID (Function) DrawBitmapByIndex (Function) DrawPolygon (Function) DrawRect (Function) DrawText (Function) LogMessage (Function) OffsetPoints (Function) PopTransformation (Function) PushTransformation (Function) SetPaintRectangle (Function) SetSimpleRectangle (Function) SubPoints (Function)
Animation ¶ AddPoints (Function) CalculateCenter (Function) Deg2Rad (Function) MoveAbsolute (FunctionBlock) Execute (Method) MoveAbsoluteData (Struct) MoveRelative (FunctionBlock) Execute (Method) PointArrayCalcSurroundingSimpleRect (Function) RotatePoint (Function) ScalePoint (Function)
AddPoints (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION AddPoints : Point InOut: Scope Name Type Return AddPoints Point Input pt1 Point pt2 Point
CalculateCenter (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CalculateCenter : Point InOut: Scope Name Type Return CalculateCenter Point Input Rectangle SimpleRectangle
Deg2Rad (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Deg2Rad : REAL InOut: Scope Name Type Return Deg2Rad REAL Input iDegAngle INT
MoveAbsolute (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK MoveAbsolute Methods: Execute Structure: Execute (Method)