trafof SM3_CNC.SMC_TrafoF_Tripod_Lin Output jointPositions ARRAY [0..5] OF SMC
Access SMC3_Axis [...] Contents: ¶ AXIS [...] LibReleased (Function) SMC
Access SMC3_Axis [...] 32 Contents: ¶ AXIS [...] -machine SMC
Access SMC3_Axis [...] 32 Contents: ¶ AXIS [...] -machine SMC
_Vector3D_Zero SMC_Vector3D STRUCT [...] _Matrix3_Identity SMC_Matrix3 STRUCT [...] _Frame_Identity SMC_Frame STRUCT
the start position [...] position of this element [...] C SM3M.SMC
position, filling [...] . For axis space movements
.AXISPOS_REF The axis end position
the axis coordinates [...] .MC_KIN_REF_SM3 Inout fTcp SM3M.SMC [...] .AXISPOS_REF fToolOffset SM3M.SMC
interpolator (variable Axis [...] _Target.Compute SMC [...] _AlphaBeta (Struct) Constraint_Axis