engine id via g_EngineId [...] if the call has finished xError [...] if an error occured eError
to TRUE. The ID [...] . If an error occurred, the ERROR output
: Context name msgAuthoritativeEngineID [...] : The authoritative engine Id. If not set, then GVL.g_pEngineId
for ChannelErrorType. In [...] GetDiagHelp BOOL Input ID UDINT ID
diagnosis message for ExtChannelError [...] GetExtDiagMessage BOOL Input ID UDINT ID
Result. This was only relevant in 2 [...] to look at dwID DWORD The id of the text
or in the event of an error [...] xDone , xError ) [...] with error message. ETrig
EvalAxes2 [...] _BLOCK FINAL EvalAxes2 [...] errCtx SMRE.Error
indication eErrorID Error Error ID itf [...] TimeProvider Enable ErrorId
SysSock2GetPeerName (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysSock2 [...] Return SysSock2