Provider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRectangleProvider A visualization element
by a call to Visu [...] ChangedListener (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE [...] ChangedListener EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface
this function is called from a visualization [...] from a visualization
with the visualization fixes a problem [...] is called from the visualization libraries
StructClientData A pointer to a [...] where the change happened itfVisualization [...] The visualization
visualization The fb-instance should be declarated within a permanent setting, e.g. a
ListManager (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE [...] ListManager EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface [...] of this interface allow parts
RectangleProvider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE [...] RectangleProvider This interface can be implemented by a
ExecuteSingleVisuActionBase Requests a file transfer between visualization and PLC To use [...] -instance should be declarated within a
is called from a dialog [...] in the visualization is a list [...] This notification arrives when a