byte arrays. ByteBuffer does have a Capacity [...] the Put*() methods
ARRAY. OpcUa_Value [...] is always a scalar. OpcUa_Value [...] array. OpcUa_Value
ArrayValue (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE ArrayValue [...] of the array pValue POINTER
Type = IEC_ARRAY pValue [...] to ArrayValue If eType = [...] Size should be SIZEOF(UA.ArrayValue
Inserts a value into an array of LREAL values [...] value in the array
: _aValues : ARRAY [...] value inside a Value [...] value If eType = IEC_ARRAY
is a WSTRING value [...] EElement is a LINT value [...] is a LREAL value
. This is the default value [...] on this session. This value can be overridden on a per
Section is used to define a [...] can be put in memory as ARRAY
values from a specific [...] RecipeManCommands.GetRecipeValues (METH) ¶ METHOD GetRecipeValues