GeoPrim_ProjectPoint_PreImg (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GeoPrim_Project [...] the first element
SysGetProjectRetainSize (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SysGetProject [...] of the first application
PathElem_Project [...] PathElem_Project [...] A PathElem The first
with extensive examples. First [...] project Building Automation Examples.project
1 SMC_Vector3D First [...] _Vector3D First of two points [...] . The projection of this point
the first point again [...] , but udiFirstPoint must [...] ) of the above array udiFirst
and the first and second [...] for GeoPrim_Project [...] State The distance and the first
to the example PubSubDataSet.project [...] Variant POINTER TO Index First
to the example PubSubDataSet.project [...] Variants POINTER TO UIndex First
GetCurrent (Function) AppGetFirst [...] GetNextApp (Function) AppGetProject [...] (GVL) PROJECT