the signal range [...] of the signal range [...] to the signal range
signal (0..100%). r [...] control range begin (0..100 [...] signal (0..100%). r
Setpt out of range 0..100%. e [...] over” control signal [...] signal 2..10V / 0
signal (0..100%). r [...] control range begin (0..100 [...] signal (0..100%). r
Min (0..100) Maximum [...] constant P), but the range within
be in the range [0, SMC [...] Input BOOL Trigger signal
Maps an input signal [...] COUNTER , N := 5 , P := [...] Input signal N BYTE
be in the range ]0, 1 [...] be in the range ]0, 1 [...] be in the range ]0, 1
BOOL This signal [...] = Out of range [...] Out of range (-); 5 =
BOOL This signal [...] = Out of range [...] Out of range (-); 5 =