CODESYS Development System
Data Type: BIT The data type BIT [...] BIT variable can
CODESYS Development System
TO BIT; A reference [...] bit variable [...] and pointers to BIT
CODESYS Development System
the 32-bit address (or the 64-bit address [...] bit run time system
CODESYS Development System
AND of bit operands. When the input bits all yield 1, the output bit
CODESYS Development System
the bit offset within a [...] bits) in this DWORD
CODESYS Development System
to BIT variables [...] BIT . Subtracting [...] on 64-bit platforms
CODESYS Development System
and pointers to BIT [...] with base type BIT .
CODESYS Development System
.402823E+38 32-bit LREAL 4 [...] .7976931348623157E+308 64 bits Example [...] or not the 64-bit type LREAL
CODESYS Development System
Bit Access [...] Implement concurrent bit [...] only if the processor can execute bit
Bit ¶ GetBit (Method) GetBitArea (Method) PutBit (Method