the maximum value [...] property var_arrays ¶ Gets all Module-VarArrays
value of the array [...] -dimensional array as a histogram [...] value ranges. Element
value: 15 Table 65 . [...] value: 15 Advanced [...] a value
value (array [...] VisuAccess. checkSimpleValue ( [...] value can be written
-dimensional array, 2) a maximum [...] in the data array value [...] be represented as an array
0166 Define maximum number [...] maximum complexity [...] 5 (LD) Define maximum
into a list (array [...] : The length of the array [...] the length of the array
CODESYS Development System
..10][-3..3][-10..10] Maximum number of array [...] of array elements whose values are displayed
arrays [...] to display array data in a [...] of the same type for each array
CODESYS Development System
type is an array [...] with a maximum of 8 [...] that are declared with this array