Context_OK (Function) ErrorContext_ReadErrorString (Function) ErrorContext_ReadErrorStrings (Function) ErrorContext_ReadTypeSpecificStrings
of the end of the string [...] of the string and suffix [...] OF the STRING AND suffix
of the start of the string [...] of the string and prefix [...] of the string and prefix
of the end of the string [...] of the string and suffix [...] of the string and suffix
of the start of the string [...] of the string and prefix [...] of the string and prefix
sSide STRING sVal1 STRING(255) sVal2 STRING(255) s
StrCmp DINT Input sString1 STRING(256) First buffer sString2 STRING
ToUpper : STRING [...] string to uppercase [...] PStrToUpper STRING
STRING Converts a byte [...] string InOut: Scope [...] _TO_HEXSTRING STRING Input by
string array strArr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING [...] . In this example: iSizeOfString