Functions ¶ Helper CRC16 (Function) MAC_ADDRESS_COMPARE (Function) IP Conversions IPARRAY_TO_IPSTRING (Function) IPARRAY_TO_UDINT (Function) IPSTRING_TO_UDINT (Function) UDINT_TO_IPSTRING (Function)
Helper ¶ CRC16 (Function) MAC_ADDRESS_COMPARE (Function)
CMUtlStrICmp (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlStrICmp : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlStrICmp DINT Input pszString1 POINTER TO STRING pszString2 POINTER TO STRING
CMUtlUtf8ToW (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlUtf8ToW : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlUtf8ToW RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pUtf8Str POINTER TO BYTE utf8BufferSize __UXINT pwsz POINTER TO WSTRING wstrLen __UXINT
CMUtlWToUtf8 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CMUtlWToUtf8 : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Return CMUtlWToUtf8 RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pwsz POINTER TO WSTRING wstrLen __UXINT pUtf8Str POINTER TO BYTE utf8BufferSize __UXINT
Library Reference ¶ This is a dictionary of all referenced libraries and their name spaces. CAA Device Diagnosis ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CAA Device Diagnosis Default Resolution: CAA Device Diagnosis, * (CAA Technical Workgroup) Namespace: DED Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CAA Device Diagnosis CANbusDevice ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CANbusDevice Default Resolution: CANbusDevice, * (3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH) Namespace: CANbusDevice Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CANbusDevice CmpEL6751CanDrv ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CmpEL6751CanDrv Default Resolution: CmpEL6751CanDrv, * (3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH) Namespace: CmpEL6751CanDrvLibrary Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: True SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpEL6751CanDrv CmpErrors2 Interfaces ¶ Library Identification ¶ Name: CmpErrors2 Interfaces Version: newest Company: System Namespace: CmpErrors Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpErrors2 Interfaces, * (System) CmpLog ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: CmpLog Default Resolution: CmpLog, * (System) Namespace: CmpLog Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: CmpLog IODrvEtherCAT ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: IODrvEtherCAT Default Resolution: IODrvEtherCAT, * (3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH) Namespace: IoDrvEthercat Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IODrvEtherCAT Library Parameter ¶ Parameter: ETC_MAX_SLAVES = 1024 Parameter: MAX_ASYNC_MSG = 4 Parameter: MAX_MAILBOX_CHANNELS = 100 Parameter: MAX_SDO_CHANNELS = 100 IoStandard ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: IoStandard Default Resolution: IoStandard, * (System) Namespace: IoStandard Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: IoStandard Standard ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: Standard Default Resolution: Standard, * (System) Namespace: Standard Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: Standard SysMem ¶ Library Identification ¶ Placeholder: SysMem Default Resolution: SysMem, * (System) Namespace: SysMem Library Properties ¶ LinkAllContent: False Optional: False QualifiedOnly: False SystemLibrary: False Key: SysMem
Element Collections Library Documentation ¶ Company : CODESYS Title : Element Collections Version : Categories : Intern|Base Namespace : COL Author : CODESYS Development GmbH Placeholder : ElementCollections Description [ 1 ] ¶ This library provides functions blocks and interfaces to store object references in predefined data structures like Lists, Queues, Stacks and Hashtables. Elements of a collection must implement the interface IElement . NOTE: Online change behavior when the declaration of an element has been changed: List, SortedList, Queue, Stack and HashTable: Collections created dynamically via a factory are NOT online-change-safe. Statically created collections are online-change-safe, if the contained elements were also generated statically. A statically generated collection with dynamically generated elements is NOT online-change-safe. HashTable : The values of ElementHashcode must be constant and can not be changed during an online change. The comparison values of ElementEquals MUST NOT be changed. A SortedList is automatically re-sorted after an OnlineChange if the input xSortAfterOnlineChange is set to TRUE. Deleted items are not automatically removed from a collection after an online change. LinkedList: A statically created LinkedList is online-change-safe for statically created elements. Condition is that the elements implement FB_reinit and the method UpdateElement (itfElement: = THIS ^); of the IOnlineChangeSafeLinkedListElement interface. Deleted items are not automatically removed from a LinkedList after an OnlineChange. An element of type IOnlineChangeSafeLinkedListElement can be assigned to only one instance of a LinkedList . Contents: ¶ ElementCollections Enums Function Blocks Functions GlobalVariables Interfaces Structs Library Information GetLibVersion (Function) GetLibVersionNumber (Function) IsLibReleased (Function) Indices and tables ¶ [ 1 ] Based on Element Collections.library, last modified 28.05.2024, 08:24:34. LibDoc The content file Element Collections.clean.json was generated with CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 3 on 28.05.2024, 08:24:36.
ElementCollections ¶ Enums COLLECTION_ERROR (Enum) Function Blocks Elements BoolElement (FunctionBlock) BoolValue (Property) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) prvInstInit (Method) BoolElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) DintElement (FunctionBlock) DintValue (Property) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) prvInstInit (Method) DintElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) IntElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) IntValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method) IntElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) LinkedListElementBase (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) ObjectReference (Property) UpdateElement (Method) LintElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) LintValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method) LintElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) NullElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) StringElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) StringValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method) StringElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) TimeElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) TimeValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method) TimeElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) UdintElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) UdintValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method) UdintElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) UintElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) UintValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method) UintElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) UlintElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) UlintValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method) UlintElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) WStringElement (FunctionBlock) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) WStringValue (Property) prvInstInit (Method) WStringElementFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) HashTable HashTable (FunctionBlock) AddKeyValuePair (Method) ContainsKey (Method) CountKeys (Method) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) GetElementByKey (Method) Keys (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveByKey (Method) SafeKeys (Method) SafeValues (Method) Values (Method) HashTableFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) CreateDynamicHashtable (Method) CreateDynamicHashtablePreAlloc (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) Iterators LinkedListIterator (FunctionBlock) HasNext (Method) Next (Method) ListIterator (FunctionBlock) HasNext (Method) Next (Method) SafeLinkedListIterator (FunctionBlock) Next (Method) SafeListIterator (FunctionBlock) Next (Method) LinkedList LinkedList (FunctionBlock) AddElement (Method) ContainsElement (Method) CountElements (Method) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) ElementIterator (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveElement (Method) RemoveFirstElement (Method) RemoveLastElement (Method) SafeElementIterator (Method) LinkedListFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) List List (FunctionBlock) AddElement (Method) ContainsElement (Method) ContainsValue (Method) CountElements (Method) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) ElementIterator (Method) GetElementAt (Method) GetElementPosition (Method) InsertElementAt (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveElement (Method) RemoveElementAt (Method) SafeElementIterator (Method) SetElementAt (Method) ListFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) CreateDynamicList (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) Queue Queue (FunctionBlock) AddElement (Method) ContainsElement (Method) ContainsValue (Method) CountElements (Method) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) ElementIterator (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) Peek (Method) Poll (Method) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveElement (Method) SafeElementIterator (Method) QueueFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) CreateDynamicQueue (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) SortedList SortedList (FunctionBlock) AddElement (Method) AddElementWithoutSorting (Method) ContainsElement (Method) ContainsValue (Method) CountElements (Method) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) ElementIterator (Method) GetElementAt (Method) GetElementPosition (Method) InsertElementAt (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveElement (Method) RemoveElementAt (Method) SafeElementIterator (Method) SetElementAt (Method) Sort (Method) SortedListFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) CreateDynamicList (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) Stack Stack (FunctionBlock) AddElement (Method) ContainsElement (Method) ContainsValue (Method) CountElements (Method) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) ElementIterator (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) Peek (Method) Pop (Method) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveElement (Method) SafeElementIterator (Method) StackFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) CreateDynamicStack (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) TreeNode TreeNode (FunctionBlock) AddChild (Method) Children (Method) ContainsChild (Method) CountChildren (Method) Element (Property) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) MoveNode (Method) Parent (Method) RemoveChild (Method) RootNode (Method) SafeChildren (Method) TreeNodeFactory (FunctionBlock) Create (Method) prvInstCount (Property) prvInstPoolExtendsFactor (Property) prvInstSize (Property) Functions CompareString (Function) CompareWString (Function) HashCodeFromString (Function) HashCodeFromWString (Function) GlobalVariables Variables (GVL) Interfaces Collections ICollection (Interface) AddElement (Method) ContainsElement (Method) CountElements (Method) ElementIterator (Method) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveElement (Method) IContainsValue (Interface) ContainsValue (Method) IDoubleLinkedList (Interface) RemoveFirstElement (Method) RemoveLastElement (Method) IDoubleLinkedList2 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) IList (Interface) GetElementAt (Method) GetElementPosition (Method) InsertElementAt (Method) RemoveElementAt (Method) SetElementAt (Method) IList2 (Interface) IList3 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) IMap (Interface) AddKeyValuePair (Method) ContainsKey (Method) CountKeys (Method) GetElementByKey (Method) Keys (Method) RemoveByKey (Method) Values (Method) IMap2 (Interface) RemoveAllElements (Method) IMap3 (Interface) SafeKeys (Method) SafeValues (Method) IQueue (Interface) Peek (Method) Poll (Method) IQueue2 (Interface) IQueue3 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) ISortedList (Interface) AddElementWithoutSorting (Method) Sort (Method) ISortedList2 (Interface) ISortedList3 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) IStack (Interface) Peek (Method) Pop (Method) IStack2 (Interface) IStack3 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) ITreeNode (Interface) AddChild (Method) Children (Method) ContainsChild (Method) CountChildren (Method) MoveNode (Method) Parent (Method) RemoveChild (Method) RootNode (Method) ITreeNode2 (Interface) SafeChildren (Method) Elements IBoolElement (Interface) BoolValue (Property) IDintElement (Interface) DintValue (Property) IElement (Interface) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) IIntElement (Interface) IntValue (Property) ILintElement (Interface) LintValue (Property) INullElement (Interface) IOnlineChangeSafeLinkedListElement (Interface) ObjectReference (Property) UpdateElement (Method) IStringElement (Interface) StringValue (Property) ITimeElement (Interface) TimeValue (Property) IUdintElement (Interface) UdintValue (Property) IUintElement (Interface) UintValue (Property) IUlintElement (Interface) UlintValue (Property) IWStringElement (Interface) WStringValue (Property) Helper ILockable (Interface) Lock (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) ReleaseLock (Method) Iterators IIterator (Interface) HasNext (Method) Next (Method) ILinkedListIterator (Interface) FirstObjectReference (Property) ModCounter (Property) IListIterator (Interface) ElementArray (Property) ElementArraySize (Property) ModCounter (Property) ISafeIterator (Interface) LockableCollection (Property) ModCounter (Property) Next (Method) ISafeLinkedListIterator (Interface) FirstObjectReference (Property) ISafeListIterator (Interface) ElementArray (Property) ElementArraySize (Property) Structs KeyValuePair (Struct)
COLLECTION_ERROR (ENUM) ¶ TYPE COLLECTION_ERROR : Collection errors Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Initial Comment NO_ERROR 0 No Error NO_MORE_ELEMENTS 2 No more elements in the collection. MAXIMUM_SIZE_OF_ELEMENTS_EXCEEDED Maximum size of elements exceeded. NULL_POINTER Null pointer MAXIMUM_ELEMENT_POSITION_EXCEEDED Maximum element position exceeded. NOT_FOUND The element could not be found. UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION The operation is not allowed for this collection type. KEY_EXISTS The key already exists in the map. ELEMENT_COUNT_NOT_EQUAL_COUNTER The size of elements of an iterator is not equal to CountKeys() LIST_ITERATOR_EXPECTED The interface IIterator ist not a IListIterator LINKED_LIST_ITERATOR_EXPECTED The interface IIterator ist not a ILinkedListIterator COLLECTION_CHANGED The structure of the collection has been modified since the Iterator method has been called. NOT_INITIALIZED Function block is not initialized. ELEMENT_IS_REFERENCED The element is already referenced by another entry. ITREE_NODE_EXPECTED Element is not a ITreeNode FB_CREATE_ERROR FB Factory: Can’t create FB. ROOT_NODE_CAN_NOT_BE_MOVED A root node can not be moved. INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error NODE_CAN_NOT_BE_MOVED_TO_SUBNODE A node can not be moved to a sub node. REALLOC_FAILED Can not reallocate memory.