the transformation which is valid [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Name Type Comment [...] Arc should be computed bPosValid BOOL
_fSMC_CNC_EPS ) The valid range [...] °[ The valid range for axis [...] °[ The valid range for axis
Connection output is valid [...] Name Type Initial [...] server Valid, as long
. It is necessary to assign [...] of type NBS [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] SOCKET_SO_TYPE DINT 16 [...] socket type SOCKET
valid system clock [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] -callback argument type is EVT
Type Initial Comment [...] Supported is not assigned [...] milliseconds). If no valid
) Enums RANGE_TYPE [...] NextSegment (Method) Validate
Out: Scope Name Type [...] driver. Only valid