time tBpMaxOff, open [...] .0 for a given time tBpTime [...] BpMaxOff TIME TIME
, sampling time window [...] clock date/time [...] ” time see WarpClock .
Switch, IDateTimeProvider In [...] C Input Const itfDateTimeProvider IDateTime
StartDelay TIME TIME#0ms Start delay. tDelay12 TIME TIME#0ms Delay
travel time do need a [...] the travel time - will [...] -syncronization. Also the pause time
FALSE Reset itfDateTimeProvider Util.IDateTimeProvider Globals.g_dtpDateTime
Clock IMPLEMENTS Util.IDateTime [...] on the application time line [...] clock date/time
time (t [...] maximum time an startup [...] PreloadMax TIME TIME
_TO_RTS_SYSTIMEDATE (Function) DateTimeToString (Function) DateTime [...] ) GetLocalTime
_TO_RTS_SYSTIMEDATE (Function) DateTimeToString (Function) DateTime [...] ) GetLocalTime