BACnetRetrieveListOfNetworkDevices (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetRetrieveListOfNetworkDevices : IEC_BACNET_STATUS This function retreives a list of network devices which are found during the network scan. The scan procedure will use BACnet dynamic device binding services to discover devices in the requested instance range and will read specified properties from the device object and also the list of objects in the device along with additional properties from the objects if requested. NOTE: This is an async function which will not block the caller. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetRetrieveListOfNetworkDevices IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input pRequest POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_DEVICE_LIST_REQUEST Pointer to information which specifies which network and device instance range and which kind of properties should be scanned and read to build the information requested. pICallback CmpEventMgr.ICmpEventCallback Pointer to the event-callback interface. Event-callback argument type is EVT_BACNET_DEVICE_LIST_PROGRESS . Purpose documented in BACstack: Pointer to the user application callback funktion to inform about failures and progress information along with information about detected devices during the procedure execution. pAPDUParams POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_APDU_PROPERTIES A pointer to the structure which contains a set of APDU properties to control the timing and size of transmitted frames for this request. It temporarily overwrites the global APDU settings made in the source device from which this request is sent and which parameters would control this request if this pointer is NULL. pTransactionToken POINTER TO BACnetAsyncTransactionToken Transaction token of the asynchronous call - see BACnetAsyncTransactionToken .
BACnetRetrieveObjectData (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetRetrieveObjectData : IEC_BACNET_STATUS This function retreives the requested kinds of properties for the given list of objects from the specified device instance. This procedure will read the object-list property of the given device instance if no object-list was specified by the caller. It will use up to nMaxActions concurrent requests to receive the requested data from the objects. It will use different read-access services supported by the device to read the objects properties. NOTE: This is an async function which will not block the caller during its execution. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetRetrieveObjectData IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input pRequest POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_OBJECT_DATA_REQUEST Pointer to information which specifies which objects from the device and which kind of properties should be retrieved to build the information requested. pICallback CmpEventMgr.ICmpEventCallback Pointer to the event-callback interface. Event-callback argument type is EVT_BACNET_OBJECT_DATA_PROGRESS . Purpose documented in BACstack: Pointer to the user application callback funktion to inform about failures and progress information along with information about retrieved object data during the procedure execution. pAPDUParams POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_APDU_PROPERTIES A pointer to the structure which contains a set of APDU properties to control the timing and size of transmitted frames for this request. It temporarily overwrites the global APDU settings made in the source device from which this request is sent and which parameters would control this request if this pointer is NULL. pTransactionToken POINTER TO BACnetAsyncTransactionToken Transaction token of the asynchronous call - see BACnetAsyncTransactionToken .
BACnetRegisterClientEventNotificationCallback (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetRegisterClientEventNotificationCallback : IEC_BACNET_STATUS Registers the user application callback for received event notifications. This function gives a user application the ability to get notified on reception of registered event notifications which have been registered by using the ::BACnetRegisterClientEventNotification function. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetRegisterClientEventNotificationCallback IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input hCustomer IEC_BACNET_HANDLE An handle to an created advanced BACnet client customer created by ::BACnetOpenClientCustomer. pICallback CmpEventMgr.ICmpEventCallback Pointer to the event-callback interface. Event-callback argument type is EVT_BACNET_CLIENT_EVENT . Purpose documented in BACstack: A pointer to the user application function which gets called on reception of registered events. To unregister from notifications a NULL pointer shall be used here.
BACnetRegisterClientUnsubscribeCompletionCallback (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetRegisterClientUnsubscribeCompletionCallback : IEC_BACNET_STATUS Registers the user application callback for completed unregistrations. This function gives a user application the ability to get notified if an unregistration of device object property reference has completed. Depending on the type of registration made (COV, COVP or POLLING), an unregistration may need some time to be processed. The function for initiation of the unregistration ::BACnetUnregisterClientDataPoint completes directly but the callback is called after the unsubscription for event or value notification in the remote device has completed. The application may only expect unsubscribe complete callbacks for which the ::BACnetUnregisterClientDataPoint function call has returned the BACNET_STATUS_BUSY. In case that all registered references have been retrievd by polling this function callback will also be called for the last customer which unregisters the last reference to an device but the referenced object will be the device and the property will be PROP_ALL and the index BACNET_VOID_INDEX. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetRegisterClientUnsubscribeCompletionCallback IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input hCustomer IEC_BACNET_HANDLE An handle to an created advanced BACnet client customer created by ::BACnetOpenClientCustomer. pICallback CmpEventMgr.ICmpEventCallback Pointer to the event-callback interface. Event-callback argument type is EVT_BACNET_CLIENT_UNSUBSCRIBE_COMPLETE . Purpose documented in BACstack: A pointer to the user application function which gets called on completion of an unregistration. pUserUnsubArg POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_BYTE A pointer to data from the user application which is transparent for the API. This pointer will not be modified by the BACnet API. This may be NULL.
BACnetRestartAllClients (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetRestartAllClients : IEC_BACNET_STATUS Resets for all registered devices their communication state to INIT. Calling this function will reset the communication state for all registered devices, objects and properties to it’s initial state. The advanced BACnet client API will re-establish the communication to all devices as if they have been registered for the first time. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Return BACnetRestartAllClients IEC_BACNET_STATUS
BACnetDecodeAsn1StandardProperty (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetDecodeAsn1StandardProperty : IEC_BACNET_STATUS Decodes the given BACnet ASN1 encoded property data type into an property contents buffer. Decodes the given BACnet ASN1 encoded property data type into an property contents buffer. The encoded data has to match the expected encoding given by the object type and property identifier which correspond to an defined BACnet data type structure. If the encoding does not match an corresponding error will be returned. In some cases some mismatch of the ASN1 encoded data can not be detected and thus c-structures with invalid data may be created as result. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetDecodeAsn1StandardProperty IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input objType IEC_BACNET_OBJECT_TYPE The object type the encoded data belongs to. propID IEC_BACNET_PROPERTY_ID The object types property the encoded data belongs to. arrayIndex IEC_BACNET_ARRAY_INDEX The object types property array index the encoded data belongs to. pPropCont POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_PROPERTY_CONTENTS Pointer to the BACnet property contents structure which will contain the decoded c-structure. The rawBuffer member of this structure will be set to the given ASN1 data. If the buffer.pBuffer member is NULL and the buffer.nBufferSize member is 0 the memory required to store the converted c-structure data will be allocated and needs to be freed by the user. pAsn1Encoded POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_BYTE Pointer to the BACnet ASN1 encoded data. encodedSize IEC_BACNET_UINT The length in bytes of the BACnet ASN1 encoded data.
BACnetDeleteDeviceAddressBindings (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetDeleteDeviceAddressBindings : IEC_BACNET_STATUS Deletes or cancels an ‘dynamic’ device address binding. This function deletes or cancels an by function ::BACnetFindUpdateDeviceAddressBindings initiated or already established ‘dynamic’ device address binding. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetDeleteDeviceAddressBindings IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input pSource POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_ADDRESS A pointer with a valid BACnet MAC address for which the binding shall be deleted or NULL if only the device instance is specified. deviceNumber IEC_BACNET_INST_NUMBER The device instance number for which the MAC address shall be deleted.
BACnetDeleteObjectIdNameBindings (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetDeleteObjectIdNameBindings : IEC_BACNET_STATUS Deletes or cancels an ‘dynamic’ object binding. This function deletes or cancels an by function ::BACnetFindUpdateObjectIdNameBindings initiated or already established ‘dynamic’ object binding.n If both parameters pObjectName b AND pObjId are NULL b ALL object bindings for the given device instance will be deleted. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetDeleteObjectIdNameBindings IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input devInst IEC_BACNET_INST_NUMBER The device instance number for which the object binding shall be deleted. pObjectName POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_STRING A pointer to a string structure which contains the object name for which the binding shall be deleted. This can be NULL if the object name is unknown. pObjId POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_OBJECT_ID A pointer to the object identifier for which the binding shall be deleted. This can be NULL if the object identifier is unknown.
BACnetSetClientDeviceCommunication (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetSetClientDeviceCommunication : IEC_BACNET_STATUS Enables or disables communication in the advanced BACnet client API to devices. The user application can enable or disable communication to registered devices. If communication is disabled to one or ALL devices, the connection state change callback will be called for all customers which have registerd that callback for the device.n If a new device is registered its communication state is initially enabled by default. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetSetClientDeviceCommunication IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input devId IEC_BACNET_INST_NUMBER The device instance number for which communication needs to be changed. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF will change the state of ALL registered devices including the global communication enable / disable state. dccValue IEC_BACNET_DCC_VALUE Specifies if communication should be enabled (::DCC_ENABLE) or disabled (::DCC_DISABLE or ::DCC_OFFLINE)
BACnetSetClientDeviceFixAddress (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION BACnetSetClientDeviceFixAddress : IEC_BACNET_STATUS Registers a fix MAC address for communication with the advanced BACnet client API. The user application can register a fix MAC address for communication to an remote BACnet device instead of using dynamic address binding which is the default for this API. Return: IEC_BACNET_STATUS InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return BACnetSetClientDeviceFixAddress IEC_BACNET_STATUS Input devId IEC_BACNET_INST_NUMBER The device instance number for which a fix MAC address shall be registered. pAddress POINTER TO IEC_BACNET_ADDRESS A pointer to a valid MAC address structure which contains the network address under which the given device instance number is reachable. To go back to dynamic address binding this parameter shall be NULL.