string within a string [...] UDINT Input itfString IString String within
_NO_ERROR STRING(2) ‘’ No error [...] _TECHNICAL_ERROR STRING ‘Technical [...] _LINE_FULL STRING ‘The line
_sHostnameBase STRING(20) ‘.azure [...] _sURLDelimiter STRING(1) ‘/’ gc_sAPIVersion STRING(30) ‘/api
STRING(255) In [...] strPath1 STRING(255) strPath2 STRING
StrCmpN DINT Input sString1 STRING(256) First buffer sString2 STRING
StrCmpNI DINT Input sString1 STRING(256) First buffer sString2 STRING
Uri OpcUa_String ManufacturerName OpcUa_String ProductName OpcUa_String
PlcAddr STRING Standard [...] to connect to the plc
type of connected [...] Symbol POINTER TO STRING
Addr STRING the address [...] where the connection