CODESYS Development System
, documentation) Cam plate
) Done MC_CamIn No Yes [...] OfProfile MC_CamOut No Yes (
? For example, MC_CamOut can [...] Cams , which cover a
CODESYS Safety for EtherCAT Safety Module
of an electronic cam group FB
Cam Control [...] on the version of RPi_Cam
CODESYS Safety for EtherCAT Safety Module
BackwardsMove , bOverrunCAM , and bUpwardCAM inputs
number of cam segments [...] be read by SMC_ReadCam [...] number of cam tappets
Constant MAX_CAM [...] count of cam segments that the |SMC_CamBuilder| can
_GearInPos_EvalContext camInEvalCtx SMC_CamIn_EvalContext camOutEvalCtx SMC_CamOut_EvalContext