BACnetInteger [...] _BLOCK PUBLIC BACnetInteger [...] BACnet-Integer
DatePatternValue (FunctionBlock) BACnetDateTimePatternValue (FunctionBlock) BACnetDateTime [...] Group (FunctionBlock) BACnetInteger
StaticObjectBase (Interface) Integer [...] Value NotificationClass PositiveInteger [...] DateRange (Struct) BACnetDateTime
ErrorID represents an Integer [...] the integer value of i [...] this integer value of e
_WSTRING 17 TYPE_TIME 18 [...] for compatibility. The integer
State (Property) EventTime [...] Flags (Property) TimeDelay (Property) Time
_ArrayOfReal_NotEqual (Function) Integer BYTE [...] _Date_NotEqual (Function) DATE_AND_TIME Assert_DateAndTime
the operation ETrigATo udiTime [...] time for executing [...] : No operating time limit
Limit (Property) ActivationTime [...] (Property) ExpirationTime (Property) ExtendedTime
_Decoupled (TextList) GetDateTime [...] Upper (Function) TypeClass_IsInteger [...] LoadFrom (Method) LogWriteTime