EventEnrollment (FB) ¶ FUNCTION [...] EventEnrollment EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] BACnet-EventEnrollment-Object
TaskDelete3 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Iec [...] with timeout This function [...] the function returns
synchronization object [...] RWLCreate (Function) SysRWLDelete (Function) Sys
) ¶ FUNCTION [...] File EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] BACnet-File-Object
FUNCTION_BLOCK TrendLog EXTENDS LogObjects [...] to handle Trend_Log-object
) ¶ FUNCTION [...] Device EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] BACnet-Device-Object
FUNCTION AsyncAdd : RTS_IEC_HANDLE Function to start a new [...] object Input pf
) ¶ FUNCTION [...] Loop EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] reflecting a BACnet-Loop-Object
StructuredView (FB) ¶ FUNCTION [...] StructuredView EXTENDS BACnetStaticObject [...] BACnet-StructuredView-Object
that the given object must [...] ’t pass a function