Out: Scope Name Type [...] OutputValue STRING stVariable
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Info POINTER TO Variable
_PositionProfile . InOut: Name [...] This variable is not used
_VelocityProfile . InOut: Name [...] This variable is not used
variable address flags [...] _VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_SYMBOLIC InOut: Scope Name [...] variable (automatic
in an ULONG variable in one [...] Errors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name [...] name=”pulValue” type
in an ULONG variable in one [...] Errors.library).</p></result> InOut: Scope Name [...] name=”pulValue” type
Ua_ArrayType : InOut: Name [...] Ua_ValueRanks_ScalarOrOneDimension -3 The variable [...] Ua_ValueRanks_Any -2 The variable
string latch variable the stored variable value [...] LatchVarStrings. InOut: Scope Name
string latch variable the stored variable value [...] LatchVarStrings. InOut: Scope Name