of an index of a table. In [...] Index STRING The name of the index sTable STRING
PacketName STRING A string
about a valid array [...] POINTER TO STRING [...] the string as it might
Definition of a single [...] TO STRING Name [...] of a sample value
NODEID (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE NODEID : STRING [...] 32>-<UInt16>-<UInt16>-<Byte[0:1]>-<Byte[2:7]> (Example: C496578A-0DFE-4B8F-870A
_GET_REQUEST Function block to send a [...] the request sHost STRING [...] OwnIP STRING(100) Hostname
is used by a sending [...] with a given Object_Name or a given Object
a function block [...] , because there might be a potential [...] ReadAlarmComment prvReadLatchVarString
SourceDriver errors can occur if a [...] Values (GVL) for a [...] DefinitionName STRING Name
AndWriteRecipe : DWORD Loads a [...] Values (GVL) for a [...] DefinitionName STRING Name