Overview CODESYS Profiler is a program analysis tool which is integrated in CODESYS for detecting inefficient programming in your application source code. The term " profiling " means taking measureme
Performing the Profiling Operation Important The implicitly added IEC code for a Profiler measurement method results in a change which slows down the evaluated program. When a profiling or code covera
Profiling by Code Instrumentation Important The implicitly added IEC code for a Profiler measurement method, as well as the breakpoints for POUs in the watch list, result in a change and slows down th
Profiling by Sampling When this method of measurement is activated, CODESYS generates an additional task. This task interrupts the application task to be measured at random times and determines its cu
Measuring Code Coverage Important The implicitly added IEC code for a Profiler measurement method results in a change which slows down the evaluated program. Enabling or disabling a Profiler measureme
Using the Profiler Watch List Important The implicitly added IEC code for a Profiler measurement method, as well as the breakpoints for POUs in the watch list, result in a change and slows down the ev
Tab: Online This tab is displayed in the editor of the Profiler object in online mode only. It displays the measurement results for the selected method. The display is not refreshed automatically. Ins
Tab: Settings The Settings tab in the editor of the Profiler object is used to configure the profiling in online mode. It contains the setting options that correspond to the set method: Table 1 . Reco
Command: Properties Symbol: Function : The Properties dialog is opened for the selected POU. Call : On the Online tab, the context menu of a selected line on the Call Tree subtab. Properties for <POU>
Creating Snapshots In online mode, a snapshot of all current measurement results can be created on the tab during a Profiler measurement. All created snapshots are managed on the Snapshots tab of the