memory. Byte [...] MEMUtils.ByteBuffer In [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE Byte
of MemoryBlockB uiNumberOfBytes [...] “MemoryBlockA” with “Memory
to the first byte of memory [...] of the memory in bytes [...] of bytes written. In
whether the bytes [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE Pointer to the first byte
to the first byte in memory [...] of the memory in bytes Output [...] of bytes written. In
to the first byte in memory [...] Memory size in byte [...] of length 1 byte. In
Read (Function) SysSharedMemoryReadByte [...] Write (Function) SysSharedMemoryWriteByte [...] to a shared memory
of MemoryBlock in byte [...] 32 checksum of “MemoryBlock” Input pMemory
of MemoryBlock in byte [...] 16-CCITT checksum of “MemoryBlock” Input pMemory
of MemoryBlock in byte [...] 16 checksum of “MemoryBlock” Input pMemory