Done BOOL bBusy BOOL bError BOOL wErrorId WORD b [...] bEnable BOOL h
WatchdogReg0400Enable BOOL wWatchdogReg0400Value WORD xWatchdogReg0410Enable BOOL w
:= VarBOOL1 , RESET := VarBOOL2 , PV := VarWORD1 );
Input bLimitPos BOOL bLimitNeg BOOL wActPosition WORD dw
:= VarBOOL1 , LOAD := VarBOOL2 , PV := VarWORD1 ); VarBOOL
Assert_Word [...] Assert_Word_GreaterEqual : BOOL Assertion
Assert_Word [...] Assert_Word_LessEqual : BOOL Assertion
Assert_Word [...] Assert_Word_NotEqual : BOOL Assertion
ServiceWriter.WriteWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteWord [...] the given word
IServiceWriter.WriteWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteWord [...] the given word