on variables used in the RMP [...] as mirror variables [...] variables, just wait
VarAccess Methods: AppendVariable [...] NodeFullPath GetNodeName Get [...] Value RemoveVariable Set
variables [...] by its name, which must [...] single variable
InOut: Scope Name [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO Variable
VarAccess3 Methods: VarAccAppendVariable VarAccBeginVariable [...] AccBrowseGetRoot VarAccBrowseUp VarAccEndVariable
4export_hide’} Methods: VarAccAppendVariable VarAccBeginVariable [...] AccBrowseGetRoot VarAccBrowseUp VarAccEndVariable
SStorageVersionConstants (GVL) ¶ InOut: Name [...] These variables [...] on these variables to identifiy a
Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name [...] Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT Input pVariableInformation POINTER TO IecVarAccess_Interfaces.Variable
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO Variable
Out: Scope Name Type [...] Node IBaseTreeNode pVariableInformation POINTER TO Variable