ExternalFileObject. ReferenceMode ( value ) ¶ [...] value ) ¶ Bases: Enum [...] _external_file_object ¶ Gets a value
CODESYS Development System
. The values are refreshed [...] as for monitoring of values [...] values can be reset
: Before the actual test execution [...] GetTestInfo has the value TRUE . With the value -1 at the di
, then the actual values can [...] you specify the value [...] being able to store values
was exceeded 5 INVALID [...] have no valid value 6 NO [...] has no further capacity 5 HANDLE_INVALID
CODESYS Application Composer
valid or invalid [...] . In online mode the values [...] . The values
, then the expected and the actual value of the tested [...] in the Prepared Value field
diagnosis in the actual [...] . The value is interpreted [...] Code1 Value of Error
, and the type of return value [...] without a return value [...] . The actual use
>0: print("The value is [...] only to assign values to them [...] value only