for WSTRING values. In [...] Const wsValue WSTRING Properties: WStringValue
values. InOut: Scope [...] Const iValue INT Properties: IntValue
for LINT values. In [...] Const liValue LINT Properties: LintValue
for STRING values. In [...] Const sValue STRING Properties: StringValue
for TIME values. In [...] Const tValue TIME Properties: TimeValue
for UDINT values. In [...] Const udiValue UDINT Properties: UdintValue
of the FBs INIT_VALUES [...] Buffer size MAX_INITS [...] of initialisation values
Element (FunctionBlock) BoolValue [...] HashCode (Method) prvInstInit [...] Element (FunctionBlock) DintValue
Dlg_CheckedBack BOOL Inout stOutputValue STRING stVariableValue STRING bInit BOOL