RatioTechUnitsDenom has to be an integer. Finite : [...] ID Integer [...] is in online mode. Variable
variables , select [...] for converting the integer
CODESYS Development System
:00:00 Number : Integer in Integer32 format [...] Variables Activate dongle
corresponds to an integer [...] for variable argument lists
variable of type FBF [...] variable of type INT => [...] have the same integer values
to an integer for the choice [...] the variable part [...] the variable part
> is an integer [...] of variables
RatioTechUnitsDenom has to be an integer. Finite : [...] mode. Variable table [...] variables with variable
loop variables [...] ("Enumerating over the integers 1 to 4
CODESYS Application Composer
: literal/integer SEC [...] .CurrentCAN_Desc; VariableType := w