Inherited from Input wAxisStructID WORD 16#FE12 AXIS_REF_SM3 nAxisState SMC_AXIS
for the axis. InOut: Scope [...] for the x-axis d [...] offset for the y-axis
direction axis. Machine [...] of the linear axis (a1) is 0. X The X axis
the axis reference [...] of an axis group [...] AxisGroup AXIS
virtual) master axis [...] on the real slave axis [...] axis. If the master
effector with the axis [...] _TrafoConfig_ArticulatedRobot_6DOF Drive0 AXIS_REF_SM3 The drive of axis 0, AXIS
WithInfo2 Transformation FB for a 3-axis [...] the y-axis rail [...] The X axis is defined
coordinates from the axis [...] X AXIS_REF_SM3 Axis X DriveY AXIS
FALSE sets nAxisState of the referenced axis always [...] Then the axis isn’t ready
DynState_UnapplyParamState (Function) OriPrimAxis (Struct) OriPrimAxis_AxisPos (Function) OriPrimAxis