Input iWhichVariable [...] index of the variable within all variables
of a value ReadingVariable [...] processing, when values [...] Initial value resp
to change the Enabled [...] the flag’s value will not change.
to change the Enabled [...] the flag’s value will not change.
to change the Enabled [...] the flag’s value will not change.
to change the Enabled [...] the flag’s value will not change.
if OnlineChange or not [...] _Init in case of no OnlineChange so that in case of an OnlineChange
ERR_NO_CHANGE if a [...] PacketConfiguration variable [...] RecordConfiguration variable (or an array
value is this length [...] FctCalculateMaxTooltipLength INT Input pArrItfTraceMgrVariables [...] ..0] OF ITraceMgrVariable
index of the variable within all variables iValue [...] Type Comment Input iWhichVariable