string Returns 0 [...] IString Input itfString [...] String, will
Ua_UInt32 MaxStringLength Opc [...] Out: Name Type Name OpcUa_String
the length of a string [...] with native IEC-Strings or with strings coming
of the expression OutString STRING(STRING_LENGTH [...] Expression returns in a string
the length of a string [...] -WStrings or with strings coming [...] to String is equal NULL
STRING64 : STRUCT uiLength [...] the length of the string [...] type for string
Hostname REFERENCE TO STRING p [...] TO STRING iHostAddrType INT iLengthAddr INT
of the analyzation OutString STRING(STRING_LENGTH
Result STRING(512) The resulting string, will [...] string will
FUNCTION DELETE : STRING [...] of characters from a string [...] VarSTRING1 : STRING