FileName STRING(255) Name [...] in the defined ASCII format
BYTE_TO_HEXSTRING : STRING Converts a byte [...] BYTE
SendData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] RecvData POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] or ASCII) Output x
_ReadNCFile can read a NC-ASCII [...] . sFileName STRING [...] TO BYTE Pointer on a
Response: Byte count [...] about the register width (Response:Byte [...] width in Bytes
DataBits BYTE 8 Number of data bits/BYTE, 5 [...] Connect occurs. eRtuAscii RtuAscii
FreeOnClear BYTE pString POINTER [...] OpcUaStringAttachToString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION OpcUaStringAttachToString
WriteBuf POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] ReadBuf POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] or ASCII) Output x
ConvThumbToBytes [...] ConvThumbToBytes : [...] the thumbprint from string
byte string [...] CreateString [...] CreateString : IString