trace variable [...] (variable-size) data part [...] variable. InOut: Name
AccGetTypeNode VarAccGetValue VarAccRemoveVariable [...] VarAccess3 Methods: VarAccAppendVariable VarAccBeginVariable
AccGetTypeNode VarAccGetValue VarAccRemoveVariable [...] 4export_hide’} Methods: VarAccAppendVariable VarAccBeginVariable
value of the trace variable of a record [...] for all values [CDS
the output variable [...] value \(x \in \mathbb [...] variable to FALSE ,
DWORD value Example [...] DWORD Value with the changed bit Input X
AccGetTypeNode3 VarAccGetValue3 VarAccRemoveVariable3 VarAccSetValue3 Var [...] VarAccess5 Methods: VarAccAppendVariable
AccGetTypeNode3 VarAccGetValue3 VarAccRemoveVariable3 VarAccSetValue3 Var [...] VarAccess5 Methods: VarAccAppendVariable
) of the variable value [...] value of the trace variable is read, i
and change the value [...] be modified with any change [...] , has the same value for both reads