Type Inout AxisGroup AXIS
. The axis will try [...] to the axis. Instead, the axis tries to reach
-acceleration of an axis group [...] AxisGroup AXIS [...] of the axis group
-jerk of an axis group [...] AxisGroup AXIS [...] system of the axis
-velocity of an axis group [...] AxisGroup AXIS [...] of the axis group
of an axis group [...] /acc-/deceleration/jerk of each axis are properties of each axis
of an axis group [...] /acc-/deceleration/jerk of each axis are properties of each axis
the status of the axis [...] _BL_START_NEGATIVE -1 The slave axis [...] The slave axis
ETC ¶ Axis [...] TransmitParameter (Method) GetMappedAxis [...] ParamDirectValue (Method) Axis
axis. By default [...] Axis AXIS_REF_ETC_Base_SM3 Reference to axis Input b